Sammy Christou, a friend of Oasis, is currently recording an album. Click play to hear a preview of one of his tracks, titled Revelation. [audio:revelation.mp3]
The Revelation of Jesus Christ – this subject was taught at a four day school in November 2008 where we explored the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ verse by verse. We can never fully open this wonderful book in a week’s study, but my prayer is that as you listen or read the notes, your heart will be warmed with the greatness of our God and the glorious future He has for us. It is also my prayer that any fears you may have about reading or enjoying this book will be alleviated as you see the truth about both the church and the nation of Israel – two nations, two destinies…open the book and enjoy…Beryl.
Revelation Outline
Verse by Verse Overview
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